qmail-msglog - a message statistics logger for qmail
You will find more information in the qmail-msglog.1
manual page in the source distribution.
The latest stable version is
(PGP signature).
The latest development version is
(PGP signature).
Note: there was a database schema
change between 1.0 and 1.1pre1 - the mail_text table
was added to support message sampling! If you enable message sampling
(on by default in 1.1pre1), you must create the
mail_text table as shown at the end of the SQL
creation scripts.
FreeBSD installation instructions:
- Fetch the source -
- Optionally, fetch the PGP signature -
- and verify it using my PGP public key,
at my FreeBSD page;
- Unpack the source: tar zxf qmail-msglog-1.0.tar.gz
- Build it: cd qmail-msglog-1.0.tar.gz && make
- Install it: sudo make install
- Read the manual page: man qmail-msglog (assuming /var/qmail/bin
has been properly added to your /etc/manpath or is in your PATH)
- Alternatively, read the manual page in place: groff -mdoc -Tascii
qmail-msglog.1 | less -is
- Create the database and populate it with one of sql/mysql.sql or
- For the present, edit the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-msglog file directly
to configure its operation;
- If you want to view the diagnostic information about qmail-msglog's
operation, make sure your system logger is set up to actually log
messages with a mail.debug facility, as described in the
qmail-msglog.1 manual page;
- Point your current qmail-queue replacement to execute qmail-msglog
instead of qmail-queue when it's done.
That's all... I think ;) Suggestions and comments
are welcome.