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collect-unexported - selectively collect files omitted from release archives


collect-unexported - selectively collect files omitted from release archives


collect-unexported [-N | --noop] [-v | --verbose] [-c configfile | --config-file configfile]

collect-unexported ---help


The collect-unexported utility examines the control files within a Debian source package, clones its upstream repository, and then creates an additional source file archive containing some of the files that have explicitly been omitted from the upstream archive. This allows a Debian package to e.g. run some source tests that use scripts and data files that the upstream authors exclude from the distributed source archive. The collect-unexported tool creates an additional (component) original tarball (.orig-unexported.tar.gz) and places it in the directory where the Debian packaging tools expect to find the original source tarball (the .orig.tar.gz one).

Please note that the collect-unexported tool is limited in its functionality; it is meant to handle several specific cases, and it may fail in others.

The collect-unexported utility accepts the following command-line options:

  • -c configfile | --config-file configfile
    Specify the path to a configuration file (collect-unexported.toml by default) that defines the list of files and directories to package up.
  • --help
    Display program usage information and exit.
  • -N | --noop
    No-operation mode - do most of the work, but after creating the new component archive, do not copy it out of the temporary directory into the actual distribution directory.
  • -v | --verbose
    Verbose mode - display information about the actions performed.


The operation of the collect-unexported utility is not directly influenced by any environment variables.


The collect-unexported utility expects to find a single file in TOML format with the following structure:

  • [format.version]
    A table describing the structure of the configuration file itself in the form of a version string. The versioning of the configuration file is loosely based on the Semantic Versioning specification: the minor version number is increased when new fields or sections are added, while the major version number is increased when fields or sections are removed or their types or allowed values are changed.
    • major
      The major number of the version format string. The collect-unexported tool will refuse to process files for which this value is different from 0.
    • minor
      The minor number of the version format string.
  • [files]
    A table describing the files to fetch from the upstream repository.
    • include
      A list of strings, each specifying the relative path from the top of the source repository to a single file or directory to be included in the component archive.


The collect-unexported utility expects to be run from within an unpacked Debian source package. Thus, it expects that either the current working directory or one of its parent directories will contain a subdirectory named debian; it will then examine the following files within that subdirectory:

  • changelog

    The collect-unexported tool will extract the source package name and the upstream version from the latest Debian changelog entry. That information is used to check out the correct Git tag from the upstream source repository, and then to create the additional source tarball with the correct name and upstream version.

  • upstream/metadata

    The collect-unexported tool will use the contents of the Repository field to locate the upstream Git repository.


Use the collect-unexported.toml file in the current directory, create an additional source tarball, display some diagnostic information in the process:

collect-unexported -v

Use a file with a different name, do not overwrite the source tarball:

collect-unexported -c unexported.toml -N


The collect-unexported utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


dpkg-source(1), git(1), deb-changelog(5)


No standards were harmed during the production of the collect-unexported utility.


The collect-unexported utility was written by Peter Pentchev in 2023.


Peter Pentchev <>


No, thank you :) But if you should actually find any, please report them to the author.