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Peter Pentchev's solutions to PWC 287

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This directory contains Peter Pentchev's solutions to the two tasks in the Perl & Raku Weekly Challenge 287.

General remarks

Task 1: Strong Password

What we have to do

There are three things that could be wrong with a string:

  • it may be too short
  • it may not have characters of enough distinct classes
  • it may have one or more too long runs of repeating characters

What we can do

There are two actions that we will perform on a string to improve its strength as a password:

  • add a character to the end; this may increase the string length if necessary and also mark another character class as represented in the string
  • replace a character within the string; this may mark another character class as represented, and also break a long run of characters

Note that we will not delete characters from the string at all; there is no case in which deleting a character will lead to fewer steps in strengthening a password.

It is always possible to add a character to the end of the string in such a way that it is in a different character class than the one before it (if the string is not empty). An even stronger assertion is that if a string does not yet contain characters of a specific class, it is always possible to add a character to the end in such a way that the new one will be in the required class, so that a single change will improve the password strength in two ways at the same time.

Since there are three different character classes, it is also always possible to replace an existing character in such a way that the class of the new one is not the same as the class of either the previous or the next character (if those exist). An even stronger assertion is that if a string does not yet contain characters of a specific class, it is always possible to replace a specific character so that the new one will be in the required class, so that a single change will improve the password strength in two ways at the same time.

Examining a string

The exact character classes of the specific characters within the string or the ones added or replaced do not really matter; they are practically interchangeable. For the purposes of judging a string's password strength it is enough to count the different classes, no need to keep track of which ones are represented. This means that we can define a function that examines a string and reports on three of its aspects:

  • its length in characters as a single number
  • the number of character classes already represented in it
  • a set (possibly empty) of numbers representing the lengths of the different runs of repeating characters (three or more) within the string

Once we have examined a string, we can start "fixing" it, improving the strength of the password.

Fixing long runs of characters

If there are any long runs, then it is mandatory to fix them. This can be done by replacing as many characters as necessary in each run to break it into pieces of two or more characters. The number of characters to replace in each run is equal to the length of the run divided by three and rounded down:

  • for runs of 0, 1, or 2 characters, we don't need to replace anything
  • for runs of 3, 4, or 5 characters, it is enough to replace a single one
  • for runs of 6, 7, or 8 characters, it is enough to replace two, etc.

As mentioned above, each time we replace a character we can also make the new one represent a new character class within the password.

Thus, a function that fixes the long runs can take as input the result of examining a string (its length, the number of its character classes, and the lengths of the long runs), and return the number of "replace a character" actions needed along with the updated state of the string. We do not need to examine any new strings to get the updated state; all we need to do is decrease the number of not-yet-represented character classes by the number of characters replaced, possibly bringing it down to zero. The string length will not change.

Fixing the string length

If the string is too short, then it is mandatory to add characters to the end. The number of characters to add is equal to the difference between the desired length (6) and the current length of the string.

As mentioned above, each time we add a character we can also make the new one represent a new character class within the password.

Thus, a function that fixes the string length can take as input the result of examining a string (its length, the number of its character classes, and the lengths of the long runs), and return the number of "add a character" actions needed along with the updated state of the string. We do not need to examine any new strings to get the updated state; all we need to do is decrease the number of not-yet-represented character classes by the number of characters added, possibly bringing it down to zero. The number and respective length of too-long runs of the same characters will not change.

Adding more character classes

If after breaking the long runs and extending the string to the desired length it should turn out that it still does not contain characters of enough different classes, it is mandatory to fix that, too. The shortest way to do it is to replace as many characters as needed (at most two, since there must be at least one character class represented in a string of six characters or more); as noted above, since each character has at most two neighbors, we can always replace it with one of a character class that is different from those of its neighbors, so at each step we can always replace a character with one in the desired missing class.

Thus, a function that fixes the missing classes can take as input the result of examining a string (its length, the number of its character classes, and the lengths of the long runs), and return the number of "replace a character" actions needed along with the updated state of the string. We do not need to examine any new strings to get the updated state; all we need to do is decrease the number of not-yet-represented character classes by the number of characters replaced, possibly bringing it down to zero. If we do this as a third step, after fixing the other two classes of problems, then neither the string length (already enough) nor the number and length of too-long runs (already none) will change.

Bringing it all together

The algorithm for improving a password's strength will then look as follows:

  • examine the initial string, noting its length, the number of character classes missing, and the number and respective lengths of the too-long runs of the same characters
  • start with 0 as the number of actions taken
  • fix the too-long runs: for each run, increase the number of actions by its length divided by 3 and rounded down; at the same time, decrease the number of missing character classes by the same amount if needed
  • fix the string length: if needed, increase the number of actions by the difference between the desired length (6) and the current string length; decrease the number of missing character classes by the same amount if needed
  • fix any remaining missing character classes: increase the number of actions by the number of character classes still not represented, and bring that number to zero in the state of the string
  • return the total number of actions that need to be taken

Task 2: Valid Number

There are several approaches to solving this problem:

  • match the input string against a regular expression
  • try to parse the input string using a pre-built parser

Some languages have built-in constructs for building parsers, others can handle regular expressions with ease, and some are good at both, so the approach depends on the programming language.

Running the test suite

The tests/ subdirectory contains a Perl test suite that outputs TAP, so that it can be run using prove tests (or, for the more adventurous, prove -v tests).

Task 1: Strong Password

This task takes a string as input, so there are two ways of running the program:

  • if the PWC_FROM_STDIN environment variable is not set to the exact value 1, the program examines the seven strings given as examples, and produces seven words on its standard output stream, each one on a line by itself. In other words, the program must output true\nfalse\nfalse\nfalse\ntrue\ntrue\ntrue\n exactly.
  • if the PWC_FROM_STDIN environment variable is set, the program reads a single line of text from its standard input, treats it as an expression to be examined, and produces a single word (either "true" or "false") on a line by itself on its standard output stream.

The PWCTest::Ch287 module in tests/lib/ defines a test_strong_password_default function that runs a program with PWC_FROM_STDIN unset and expects the exact output, and also a test_strong_password function that runs a series of tests with different sequences, each time running the program with PWC_FROM_STDIN set to 1 and feeding it the sequence.

If the implementation in any language should provide more than one method, then the program should honor the PWC_METHOD environment variable. The value "0" indicates the use of the most natural method for the language, the value "1" indicates the use of an alternative method, and if there are more than two, then the values "2", "3", etc, are used to select them. If PWC_METHOD is set to a non-numeric value or to a value that is higher than the index of the last supported methods, it is ignored and the program proceeds as if PWC_METHOD was set to "0".

The tests/01-perl-ch-1.t test runs these functions on the Perl implementation and produces TAP output suitable for the prove tool.

Task 2: Valid Number

This task takes a string as input, so there are two ways of running the program:

  • if the PWC_FROM_STDIN environment variable is not set to the exact value 1, the program examines the seven strings given as examples, and produces seven words on its standard output stream, each one on a line by itself. In other words, the program must output true\nfalse\nfalse\nfalse\ntrue\ntrue\ntrue\n exactly.
  • if the PWC_FROM_STDIN environment variable is set, the program reads a single line of text from its standard input, treats it as an expression to be examined, and produces a single word (either "true" or "false") on a line by itself on its standard output stream.

The PWCTest::Ch287 module in tests/lib/ defines a test_valid_number_default function that runs a program with PWC_FROM_STDIN unset and expects the exact output, and also a test_valid_number function that runs a series of tests with different sequences, each time running the program with PWC_FROM_STDIN set to 1 and feeding it the sequence.

If the implementation in any language should provide more than one method, then the program should honor the PWC_METHOD environment variable. The value "0" indicates the use of the most natural method for the language, the value "1" indicates the use of an alternative method, and if there are more than two, then the values "2", "3", etc, are used to select them. If PWC_METHOD is set to a non-numeric value or to a value that is higher than the index of the last supported methods, it is ignored and the program proceeds as if PWC_METHOD was set to "0".

The tests/02-perl-ch-2.t test runs these functions on the Perl implementation and produces TAP output suitable for the prove tool.

Implementation details

Task 1: Strong Password


The Perl solution has several important functions:

  • classify() - examine a single character passed as an argument and return the name of its character class ( lower, upper, digit, or unknown). If the PWC_USE_LOCALE environment variable is set exactly to the value "1", then this function will use the current locale settings; otherwise it will only recognize ASCII Latin uppercase and lowercase letters and ASCII digits.
  • examine_password() - perform the initial examination of the password string. Determine its length, the number of character classses not represented in it, and the number and length of successive runs of the same character. There are several ways to detect successive runs; a comment in the source code refers to a regular expression that uses Perl's /e modifier to replace a run with its length as an integer. This solution processes the string character by character and keeps track of what the last character was and how many of it we have seen so far.
  • fix_runs() - count the "replace a single character" actions that must be performed to break too-long runs of the same character. At the same time, decrease the number of missing character classes by the same amount.
  • fix_length() - count the "add a single character" actions that must be performed to bring the string up to the desired length if it is shorter. At the same time, decrease the number of missing character classes by the same amount.
  • fix_missing() - count the "replace a single character" actions that must be performed to represent all the required character classes in the password string.
  • strong_password() - invoke the above functions, sum up the number of required actions.

Note that the examine_password() and the fix_*() functions return the current state directly as three scalar variables instead of any kind of structured data. Of course it would be possible to stash them into a hash or a simple object, but this way was a bit simpler.


The Raku solution is quite similar to the Perl one, but it encapsulates the number of actions taken and the current state of the password string into a Strength class. It also encapsulates the state of the parser used to find too-long runs of the same character into a RunState class.

The fix_runs(), fix_length(), and fix_missing() functions are translated into the fix-runs(), fix-length(), and fix-missing() methods of the Strength class.

Task 2: Valid Number


The Perl solution has three major elements:

  • $re_valid_number - a documented (using the /x modifier) regular expression that determines whether a string represents a valid number or not
  • valid_number - a function that returns either the string "true" or the string "false" depending on whether the argument represents a valid number
  • parse_stdin - read a line from the standard input, return it as a string to be examined


In the Raku solution we chose the other way: write a simple grammar (ValidNumber) that will recognize a number as defined in the problem. The grammar is so simple that it does not even need to define any actions; returning a non-empty, defined result is enough to determine whether the input was recognized.

Well, okay, since Raku grammars are actually regular expressions in disguise, one might argue that we did not go so far the other way then :)


These solutions were written by Peter Pentchev. They are developed in the common PWC-club GitHub repository. This documentation is hosted at Ringlet.