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The test-tunnel runner infrastructure


Provide a base class for running tunnel tests.

This module provides the TestTunnel class to be used as a base class for implementing test runners for various tunnel programs. Its run() method sets the test environment up, determines addresses and ports to use for testing the connections, invokes an implementation-specific method to start the tunnel/proxy server, and then loops over a predetermined set of connection addresses, again invoking an implementation-specific method to prepare an established TCP connection for forwarding data.

The test_tunnel.cmd_test sample modules may be used as a starting point for implementing tool-specific test classes using TestTunnel.

The test runner base class


Bases: ABC

Base class for running tunnel tests.

This class mainly provides the run() method that determines some addresses and ports to use for the connections, sets up a listener, and invokes implementation-specific methods to start the tunnel/proxy server and prepare some TCP connections for forwarding data. A tool-specific implementation must override at least the slug(), do_spawn_server(), and do_handshake() methods.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
class TestTunnel(abc.ABC):
    """Base class for running tunnel tests.

    This class mainly provides the `run()` method that determines some addresses and ports to
    use for the connections, sets up a listener, and invokes implementation-specific methods to
    start the tunnel/proxy server and prepare some TCP connections for forwarding data.
    A tool-specific implementation must override at least the `slug()`, `do_spawn_server()`, and
    `do_handshake()` methods.

    cfg: defs.ConfigProg
    """The tunnel proxy configuration."""

    def __init__(self, cfg: defs.ConfigProg) -> None:
        """Store the configuration object."""
        self.cfg = cfg
            "Using %(locale)s as a UTF-8 locale.",
            {"locale": cfg.utf8_env["LC_ALL"]},

    def slug(self) -> str:
        """Provide a short string to identify the tested tunnel implementation.

        The returned string is used in logging and diagnostic messages so that it is clear
        which tool is being tested.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def do_test_conn_bind_and_connect(
        local_address: addresses.Address,
        local_port: int,
        address: addresses.Address,
        port: int,
    ) -> Iterator[socket.socket]:
        """Connect to the specified address/port.

        This method is invoked internally by `run()` to make sure that the tunnel/proxy
        server started by the `do_spawn_server()` method can at least accept TCP connections at
        the addresses it should have been configured to listen on.
        dest: Final = (address.address, port)
        for _ in range(10):
  "Creating the client socket")
            with addresses.bind_to(self.cfg, local_address, local_port) as cli_sock:
                self.cfg.log.debug("Client socket: %(cli_sock)r", {"cli_sock": cli_sock})
                    "Connecting to the %(slug)s server at %(dest)r",
                    {"slug": self.slug(), "dest": dest},
                except OSError as err:
                    if err.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
                    self.cfg.log.debug("Could not connect, waiting for a second")

                yield cli_sock
            sys.exit(f"Could not connect to the {self.slug()} server at {dest} after ten attempts")

    def expect_read(
        sock: socket.socket,
        expected: bytes,
        tag: str,
        compare_len: int | None = None,
    ) -> bytes:
        """Read some data, make sure it is as expected.

        This method is used internally by `run()` after establishing a TCP connection through
        the tunnel/proxy server (and after the `do_handshake()` method has set the connection up)
        to make sure that the data sent along the connection is forwarded correctly.

        If the `compare_len` parameter is specified, only so many bytes at the start of
        the response are compared; the rest is allowed to vary, although it must still have
        the expected total length in bytes.
        if compare_len is None:
            compare_len = len(expected)

        data: Final = sock.recv(4096)
        self.cfg.log.debug("- got %(data)r", {"data": data})
        if data[:compare_len] != expected[:compare_len]:
            sys.exit(f"Unexpected {tag} (comparing {compare_len} bytes): {expected=!r} {data=!r}")
        return data

    def do_handshake(
        cli_sock: socket.socket,
        svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
    ) -> tuple[addresses.Address, int] | None:
        """Perform the protocol-specific tunnel handshake.

        Once the tunnel/proxy server has been started by `do_spawn_server()` and a client
        connection to it has been established by `run()`, this method sends and receives
        any data necessary for a "handshake" as required by the tunnel protocol, e.g.
        negotiation and authentication for a SOCKS5 proxy, a CONNECT request for
        an HTTP/HTTPS proxy, etc.

        This method may optionally return the source address and port of the forwarded
        connection if it can be obtained from the tunnel protocol, e.g. SOCKS5 will
        sometimes return that information.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def do_test_conn_xfer(
        cli_sock: socket.socket,
        srv_sock: socket.socket,
        svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
    ) -> None:
        """Perform the protocol handshake and conversation.

        Invoked internally by `run()`, this method checks that a client connection to
        the internal server can indeed be established via the tunnel/proxy server
        (using the `do_handshake()` method), and that it can indeed forward data in
        both directions.
        self.do_handshake(cli_sock, svc_listen)

        self.cfg.log.debug("Accepting a connection from the %(slug)s server", {"slug": self.slug()})
        (conn_sock, conn_data) = srv_sock.accept()
            "- accepted a connection on fd %(fileno)d from %(conn_data)r",
            {"fileno": conn_sock.fileno(), "conn_data": conn_data},
        if !=
                f"Expected a {} family connection, got {}",

        self.cfg.log.debug("Let's say hello to the client")
        expected: Final = b"Hello"
        self.cfg.log.debug("Let's try to read that from the client side")
        self.expect_read(cli_sock, expected, "client read")

        self.cfg.log.debug("Closing the client connection")
        self.cfg.log.debug("Let's get an empty read from the server side")
        self.expect_read(conn_sock, b"", "server side empty read")

        self.cfg.log.debug("Closing the server side of the connection")

    def do_spawn_server(
        proxy_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
        svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
    ) -> Iterator[subprocess.Popen[str]]:
        """Spawn the tunnel-specific server process.

        This method will most probably invoke an external program to start
        the implementation-specific tunnel/proxy server.
        It may also possibly create a configuration file in a temporary directory
        before running the program itself.

        It must return a process instance that the `run()` method may monitor and
        wait for after completing the connection and data transfer tests.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def test_conn(
        proxy_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
        svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
    ) -> None:
        """Test the connectivity across a tunnel."""
            "Client at %(proxy_addr)s port %(proxy_port)d",
            {"proxy_addr": proxy_listen.clients[0], "proxy_port": proxy_listen.proxy_port},
            "Proxy at %(listen_addr)s port %(listen_port)d",
            {"listen_addr": proxy_listen.address, "listen_port": proxy_listen.svc_port},
            "Proxy client at %(client_addr)s port %(client_port)d",
            {"client_addr": svc_listen.clients[0], "client_port": svc_listen.proxy_port},
            "Server at %(server_addr)s port %(server_port)d",
            {"server_addr": svc_listen.address, "server_port": svc_listen.svc_port},
        )"Creating the server listening socket")
        with addresses.bind_to(self.cfg, svc_listen.address, svc_listen.svc_port) as srv_sock:
            self.cfg.log.debug("Server socket: %(srv_sock)r", {"srv_sock": srv_sock})

  "Spawning the %(slug)s server process", {"slug": self.slug()})
            with self.do_spawn_server(proxy_listen, svc_listen) as sproc:
                    "- spawned %(slug)s server at %(pid)d",
                    {"slug": self.slug(), "pid":},

                    with self.do_test_conn_bind_and_connect(
                    ) as cli_sock:
                        self.cfg.log.debug("- connected: %(cli_sock)r", {"cli_sock": cli_sock})
                        self.do_test_conn_xfer(cli_sock, srv_sock, svc_listen)

                    self.cfg.log.debug("Stopping the %(slug)s server", {"slug": self.slug()})
                        "Waiting for the %(slug)s server process to exit",
                        {"slug": self.slug()},
          "%(output)r", {"output": sproc.communicate()})
                        "%(slug)s server exit code %(res)d",
                        {"slug": self.slug(), "res": sproc.wait()},
                except BaseException as err:
                        "Killing the %(slug)s server because of an exception: %(err)s",
                        {"slug": self.slug(), "err": err},

    def run(self) -> None:
        """Gather addresses, group them in pairs, run tests.

        This is the main entry point for instances of classes derived from `TestTunnel`.
        It uses the `test_tunnel.addresses` module's routines to determine several
        sets of addresses to use for a client connection, a proxy server, and an internal
        server, and then uses the implementation-specific methods to start a tunnel/proxy
        server, establish a client connection through it, and make sure that data can
        flow both ways.
        self.cfg.log.debug("Starting up")
        apairs: Final = addresses.find_pairs(
            addresses.find_ports(self.cfg, addresses.get_addresses(self.cfg)),
        )"Connectivity information: address family, server, clients:")
        for family, ports in sorted(apairs.items()):
  "%(family)d", {"family": family})
            for port in ports:
      "\t%(address)s", {"address": port.address.address})
                for client in port.clients:
          "\t\t%(client)s", {"client": client.address})"Picking two pairs for each address family, if possible")
        selected = addresses.pick_pairs(self.cfg, apairs)"Testing %(count)d combination(s)", {"count": len(selected)})
        for proxy_listen, svc_listen in selected:
            self.test_conn(proxy_listen, svc_listen)

cfg: defs.ConfigProg = cfg instance-attribute

The tunnel proxy configuration.


Store the configuration object.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def __init__(self, cfg: defs.ConfigProg) -> None:
    """Store the configuration object."""
    self.cfg = cfg
        "Using %(locale)s as a UTF-8 locale.",
        {"locale": cfg.utf8_env["LC_ALL"]},

do_handshake(cli_sock, svc_listen) abstractmethod

Perform the protocol-specific tunnel handshake.

Once the tunnel/proxy server has been started by do_spawn_server() and a client connection to it has been established by run(), this method sends and receives any data necessary for a "handshake" as required by the tunnel protocol, e.g. negotiation and authentication for a SOCKS5 proxy, a CONNECT request for an HTTP/HTTPS proxy, etc.

This method may optionally return the source address and port of the forwarded connection if it can be obtained from the tunnel protocol, e.g. SOCKS5 will sometimes return that information.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def do_handshake(
    cli_sock: socket.socket,
    svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
) -> tuple[addresses.Address, int] | None:
    """Perform the protocol-specific tunnel handshake.

    Once the tunnel/proxy server has been started by `do_spawn_server()` and a client
    connection to it has been established by `run()`, this method sends and receives
    any data necessary for a "handshake" as required by the tunnel protocol, e.g.
    negotiation and authentication for a SOCKS5 proxy, a CONNECT request for
    an HTTP/HTTPS proxy, etc.

    This method may optionally return the source address and port of the forwarded
    connection if it can be obtained from the tunnel protocol, e.g. SOCKS5 will
    sometimes return that information.
    raise NotImplementedError

do_spawn_server(proxy_listen, svc_listen) abstractmethod

Spawn the tunnel-specific server process.

This method will most probably invoke an external program to start the implementation-specific tunnel/proxy server. It may also possibly create a configuration file in a temporary directory before running the program itself.

It must return a process instance that the run() method may monitor and wait for after completing the connection and data transfer tests.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def do_spawn_server(
    proxy_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
    svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
) -> Iterator[subprocess.Popen[str]]:
    """Spawn the tunnel-specific server process.

    This method will most probably invoke an external program to start
    the implementation-specific tunnel/proxy server.
    It may also possibly create a configuration file in a temporary directory
    before running the program itself.

    It must return a process instance that the `run()` method may monitor and
    wait for after completing the connection and data transfer tests.
    raise NotImplementedError

do_test_conn_bind_and_connect(local_address, local_port, address, port)

Connect to the specified address/port.

This method is invoked internally by run() to make sure that the tunnel/proxy server started by the do_spawn_server() method can at least accept TCP connections at the addresses it should have been configured to listen on.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def do_test_conn_bind_and_connect(
    local_address: addresses.Address,
    local_port: int,
    address: addresses.Address,
    port: int,
) -> Iterator[socket.socket]:
    """Connect to the specified address/port.

    This method is invoked internally by `run()` to make sure that the tunnel/proxy
    server started by the `do_spawn_server()` method can at least accept TCP connections at
    the addresses it should have been configured to listen on.
    dest: Final = (address.address, port)
    for _ in range(10):"Creating the client socket")
        with addresses.bind_to(self.cfg, local_address, local_port) as cli_sock:
            self.cfg.log.debug("Client socket: %(cli_sock)r", {"cli_sock": cli_sock})
                "Connecting to the %(slug)s server at %(dest)r",
                {"slug": self.slug(), "dest": dest},
            except OSError as err:
                if err.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
                self.cfg.log.debug("Could not connect, waiting for a second")

            yield cli_sock
        sys.exit(f"Could not connect to the {self.slug()} server at {dest} after ten attempts")

do_test_conn_xfer(cli_sock, srv_sock, svc_listen)

Perform the protocol handshake and conversation.

Invoked internally by run(), this method checks that a client connection to the internal server can indeed be established via the tunnel/proxy server (using the do_handshake() method), and that it can indeed forward data in both directions.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def do_test_conn_xfer(
    cli_sock: socket.socket,
    srv_sock: socket.socket,
    svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
) -> None:
    """Perform the protocol handshake and conversation.

    Invoked internally by `run()`, this method checks that a client connection to
    the internal server can indeed be established via the tunnel/proxy server
    (using the `do_handshake()` method), and that it can indeed forward data in
    both directions.
    self.do_handshake(cli_sock, svc_listen)

    self.cfg.log.debug("Accepting a connection from the %(slug)s server", {"slug": self.slug()})
    (conn_sock, conn_data) = srv_sock.accept()
        "- accepted a connection on fd %(fileno)d from %(conn_data)r",
        {"fileno": conn_sock.fileno(), "conn_data": conn_data},
    if !=
            f"Expected a {} family connection, got {}",

    self.cfg.log.debug("Let's say hello to the client")
    expected: Final = b"Hello"
    self.cfg.log.debug("Let's try to read that from the client side")
    self.expect_read(cli_sock, expected, "client read")

    self.cfg.log.debug("Closing the client connection")
    self.cfg.log.debug("Let's get an empty read from the server side")
    self.expect_read(conn_sock, b"", "server side empty read")

    self.cfg.log.debug("Closing the server side of the connection")

expect_read(sock, expected, tag, *, compare_len=None)

Read some data, make sure it is as expected.

This method is used internally by run() after establishing a TCP connection through the tunnel/proxy server (and after the do_handshake() method has set the connection up) to make sure that the data sent along the connection is forwarded correctly.

If the compare_len parameter is specified, only so many bytes at the start of the response are compared; the rest is allowed to vary, although it must still have the expected total length in bytes.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def expect_read(
    sock: socket.socket,
    expected: bytes,
    tag: str,
    compare_len: int | None = None,
) -> bytes:
    """Read some data, make sure it is as expected.

    This method is used internally by `run()` after establishing a TCP connection through
    the tunnel/proxy server (and after the `do_handshake()` method has set the connection up)
    to make sure that the data sent along the connection is forwarded correctly.

    If the `compare_len` parameter is specified, only so many bytes at the start of
    the response are compared; the rest is allowed to vary, although it must still have
    the expected total length in bytes.
    if compare_len is None:
        compare_len = len(expected)

    data: Final = sock.recv(4096)
    self.cfg.log.debug("- got %(data)r", {"data": data})
    if data[:compare_len] != expected[:compare_len]:
        sys.exit(f"Unexpected {tag} (comparing {compare_len} bytes): {expected=!r} {data=!r}")
    return data


Gather addresses, group them in pairs, run tests.

This is the main entry point for instances of classes derived from TestTunnel. It uses the test_tunnel.addresses module's routines to determine several sets of addresses to use for a client connection, a proxy server, and an internal server, and then uses the implementation-specific methods to start a tunnel/proxy server, establish a client connection through it, and make sure that data can flow both ways.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def run(self) -> None:
    """Gather addresses, group them in pairs, run tests.

    This is the main entry point for instances of classes derived from `TestTunnel`.
    It uses the `test_tunnel.addresses` module's routines to determine several
    sets of addresses to use for a client connection, a proxy server, and an internal
    server, and then uses the implementation-specific methods to start a tunnel/proxy
    server, establish a client connection through it, and make sure that data can
    flow both ways.
    self.cfg.log.debug("Starting up")
    apairs: Final = addresses.find_pairs(
        addresses.find_ports(self.cfg, addresses.get_addresses(self.cfg)),
    )"Connectivity information: address family, server, clients:")
    for family, ports in sorted(apairs.items()):"%(family)d", {"family": family})
        for port in ports:
  "\t%(address)s", {"address": port.address.address})
            for client in port.clients:
      "\t\t%(client)s", {"client": client.address})"Picking two pairs for each address family, if possible")
    selected = addresses.pick_pairs(self.cfg, apairs)"Testing %(count)d combination(s)", {"count": len(selected)})
    for proxy_listen, svc_listen in selected:
        self.test_conn(proxy_listen, svc_listen)

slug() abstractmethod

Provide a short string to identify the tested tunnel implementation.

The returned string is used in logging and diagnostic messages so that it is clear which tool is being tested.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def slug(self) -> str:
    """Provide a short string to identify the tested tunnel implementation.

    The returned string is used in logging and diagnostic messages so that it is clear
    which tool is being tested.
    raise NotImplementedError

test_conn(proxy_listen, svc_listen)

Test the connectivity across a tunnel.

Source code in src/test_tunnel/
def test_conn(
    proxy_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
    svc_listen: addresses.AddrPort,
) -> None:
    """Test the connectivity across a tunnel."""
        "Client at %(proxy_addr)s port %(proxy_port)d",
        {"proxy_addr": proxy_listen.clients[0], "proxy_port": proxy_listen.proxy_port},
        "Proxy at %(listen_addr)s port %(listen_port)d",
        {"listen_addr": proxy_listen.address, "listen_port": proxy_listen.svc_port},
        "Proxy client at %(client_addr)s port %(client_port)d",
        {"client_addr": svc_listen.clients[0], "client_port": svc_listen.proxy_port},
        "Server at %(server_addr)s port %(server_port)d",
        {"server_addr": svc_listen.address, "server_port": svc_listen.svc_port},
    )"Creating the server listening socket")
    with addresses.bind_to(self.cfg, svc_listen.address, svc_listen.svc_port) as srv_sock:
        self.cfg.log.debug("Server socket: %(srv_sock)r", {"srv_sock": srv_sock})
        srv_sock.listen(1)"Spawning the %(slug)s server process", {"slug": self.slug()})
        with self.do_spawn_server(proxy_listen, svc_listen) as sproc:
                "- spawned %(slug)s server at %(pid)d",
                {"slug": self.slug(), "pid":},

                with self.do_test_conn_bind_and_connect(
                ) as cli_sock:
                    self.cfg.log.debug("- connected: %(cli_sock)r", {"cli_sock": cli_sock})
                    self.do_test_conn_xfer(cli_sock, srv_sock, svc_listen)

                self.cfg.log.debug("Stopping the %(slug)s server", {"slug": self.slug()})
                    "Waiting for the %(slug)s server process to exit",
                    {"slug": self.slug()},
      "%(output)r", {"output": sproc.communicate()})
                    "%(slug)s server exit code %(res)d",
                    {"slug": self.slug(), "res": sproc.wait()},
            except BaseException as err:
                    "Killing the %(slug)s server because of an exception: %(err)s",
                    {"slug": self.slug(), "err": err},